Monthly Archives: August 2022

Why is it important to look at the long term view?

2022-08-03T18:12:01+10:00August 3rd, 2022|News|

For most of us, property investing is a long term proposition. Some people buy, renovate and flip houses or buy homes as stepping stones to their dream home. But the long term strategy is where most of us sit and, in my opinion, it's the safest and surest way to build wealth. Part of this

Property Highlight, Point Cook, Victoria

2022-08-15T12:06:42+10:00August 1st, 2022|Property Highlight|

Property Highlight Point Cook, Melbourne Victoria 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms townhome with DLUG ​​​​​​​138 sqm internal excluding garage, 177 sqm total lot size $664,500 Forecast rental yield 3.9% Rental vacancy rate in this postcode was 1.3% in June 2022 - so demand is extremely high for quality homes. Scheduled for completion Offering a minimum six-star

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